Friday, April 13, 2012

Reducing Tax deficits.......Ideas for India

January February and March are the most taxing times literally as far as our middle class finances go. Our incomes take plunge thanks to Income tax deductions. These months are similar to that of our typical struggling mornings of squeezing out the tooth paste which refuses to yield in its last days. Sometimes, budget news, raising tax limits though is a solace even if it means few drops of rain on parched and baked earth of June. Calculating Tax liability and filing returns, any way has been the most mind-bogglingly complex maze year after year thanks to variety of exemptions, rebates and many more. My brain especially has never been able to comprehend those Tax Bonds and smart wading through options to save some trickles. More than often I have preferred paying whatever because the “closing balance’ in my account almost always takes a grin at my well researched thoughtful investment plans.

Any ways after finally having paid through our nose and tears, we hear that the monstrous government Tax deficit wanted to feed on more but for some Parliamentary decency, it has been left for later days. This is the time I struggle with some basics: whether we should be taxed at all? What should be taxed, our compensation or the consumption? And what should be the rates of taxation, regressive or progressive. I was told that most efficient Tax system is the most simplest. Then why the hell even the holy land of America and the Harvard, practice the most complex tax systems ever known to mankind? First Pay and then Tax and then offer tax sops. Try poking and those never to be answered questions will be posed by the never sure economist who adjusting their aging specks would say it all depends on what you want; to be fair or equitable? And they will end up with that feared word “Tradeoffs”.

Any ways my education says Tax is a necessary evil, because there are needs that only taxes can address, like availability of Public Goods. But the entire problem is because of scarcity. Like scarce natural resource there is scarcity almost always regarding tax volumes. So the question boils down to can there be more efficient ways of collecting money. More so, can there be more avenues that do not threaten our inflation flattened incomes. What can be done to raise revenue without further taxing those who are struggling, fretting and pleading?

And the answer is a definite Yes!!! We can improve the manner of tax collection. Context specific Tax collection ideas can do wonders. Consider Consumption tax where taxation follows volume of consumption. Taxing essential goods though is controversial, especially when the income percentage of the poor is spent most towards basic consumption which is certainly not fair. It will be argued that rich will continue to be subsidized by poor and that will not be equitable. Consumption tax probably can work best in a scenario where anyone can adjust their volume of consumption irrespective of their position on the economic ladder without hurting themselves.

If littering can be considered as a pleasurable consumption, those who value this can be taxed regressively. And here I see a great opportunity in “Littering Tax” in increasing the tax volumes almost exponentially. Do not be mistaken, though we keep our homes spotlessly clean, we are great at littering in public. And this great adventurous culture I am sure will help collect taxes in millions, because we value it so much. And even if such a system forces us to get back to basics, it will generate growth and promote environment. Imagine the savings we will make on sweeping charges all cities taken together. The money saved can be used to build new roads, open new schools, hospitals all adding to our quality of work force and hence their productivity and even on a nonexistent Social Security.  This tax will not be so difficult to collect and will be hard to evade because of the sheer visibility. They won’t add complexity to tax returns. Few perverse incentives, and can be used to raise a lot of money. This new source of money could also help change the face of tourism and can bring much needed dollars that we crave every day.

Consumption taxes are supported by a vast majority of economists. They underpin Western Europe’s welfare systems, which are based on the proposition that all citizens are entitled to similar income support and services to guarantee a minimum standard of living, and that everybody should pay proportionately for them.

Another variety could be Public Wall defacement Tax or Graffiti Tax............................. Who knows Compensation tax may become history in India because of this small tax code?

What an Idea Sirji? hahhahha

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